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Ajou Sports Medicine Center

  • Ajou Sports Medicine Center
    Ajou Sports Medicine Center

    The Ajou Sports Medicine Center enhances game abilities, treats and prevents sports damages of athletes, and provides sports medicine information and rehabilitation programs to ordinary patients.

The Ajou Sports Medicine Center provides programs differentiated from conventional rehabilitation treatment based on sports medicine. With the purpose of helping patients completely return to daily life and society beyond simple recovery from diseases or injuries, exercise therapists become one team for a team approach to patients and provide accurate diagnosis and customized exercise therapy programs.

Sports medicine is not only for professional athletes but should also target the exercise treatments of ordinary people. Through exercises classified by steps·levels considering the age and disease of the patient, we are helping bring out the best exercise abilities instead of simply improving pain.

The Ajou Sports Medicine Center does not end at simply solving physical problems but helps overcome aesthetic issues through programs linked with the Psychiatric Department. Athletes can overcome slumps and enhance their concentration during games, and ordinary patients can also undergo psychology programs that can reduce the frustration and depression due to frequent pain.

In addition, research is conducted as an education and research institute through active collaboration with overseas sports medicine centers as part of our best effort to provide exercise therapy education and expand bases. Injury prevention training and site support are provided for athletes and ordinary sports population, and health classes are opened for ordinary people to help ease the burden of exercising.