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Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine

  • Anesthesiology & 
Pain Medicine
    Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine

    The Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine Department is in charge of anesthesia, pain treatment, and intensive care during surgeries.

The Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine Department is in charge of anesthesia, pain treatment, and intensive care during surgeries. Anesthesia during surgery is classified into cranial nerve anesthesia, cardiopulmonary vascular anesthesia, organ transplant anesthesia, intravenous anesthesia, and pediatric anesthesia by major fields.

The Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine Department specifically administers the most appropriate amount of anesthesia to the patient during surgery to manage the status of the patient's entire body before, during, and after the surgery. A respirator is attached to patients who have difficulty breathing to perform inhalation therapy, and severe patients are managed.

The Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine Department at Ajou University Hospital provides comfortable and safe anesthesia because anesthesia equipment with cutting-edge monitoring equipment is used, and the field is expanding to the pain treatment room and intensive care unit beyond operating rooms.