본문으로 가기 주메뉴로 가기 카피라이트로 가기

Request appointment

  • All appointment reservations can be directly made through phone call, fax, or e-mail for your convenience.
  • Business hours: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM(Mon - Fri)


  • Tel : 031-219-4311~3, 4010, 7070

  • Fax : 031-219-5432

  • E-mail : inthcc@aumc.ac.kr / inthcc.ajou@gmail.com

Medical appointment

진료예약 작성 폼
Patient Name Required input

Patient`s Hospital
ID Number Required input
※ only for return patient
(DD/MM/YYYY) Required input
※ ex) 31/12/2013
Nationality Required input
Alien Registration
(if available)

Passport Number Required input
Korean National
Health Insurance Required input
Referral from
outside clinicRequired input
※ If No, please refer to Explanation on Insurance for Outpatients
Other Health
InsuranceRequired input
※ If Yes, please refer to Explanation on Overseas Insurance for Outpatients
Address in Korea
Permanent Address
Contact Number
(in Korea)
Telephone Number
- -
Mobile/Cell Number Required input
- -
E-mail Required input
  • @
Fax Number
- -
Relationship with
the Patient
Telephone Number
- -
Request Date Required input ※ If you want to see a doctor within 1 week, please call 031-219-4311.
Signs & Symptoms Required input
Prevent auto-input Required input

Agreement for collection and use of personal information

Items to be collected and used

1. Required items

Patient name, birthday, nationality, passport no., Republic of Korea National Health Service, introduction of outside clinic, other health insurance, contacts (domestic) (cell phone/cell phone no., e-mail), request date, indications and symptoms

2. Optional items

Hospital ID no. of patient, alien registration no., Korean address, permanent address, contacts (Korea) (telephone no., fax no.), emergency contacts (name, relationship with patient, phone no.), comments

3. Purpose of collection and use

Online reservation

4. Period of storage

Besides cases of maintenance according to the applicable laws and regulations, all personal information are immediately destroyed as soon as the purpose of collection and use is achieved.