본문으로 가기 주메뉴로 가기 카피라이트로 가기


We will be the safest and
friendliest patient-centered hospital.
아주대학교병원장 박준성
Ajou University Hospital Director Park, Joon-seong

Ajou University Hospital, which opened in 1994,
is doing its best to treat patients and provide the latest medical
information to local healthcare providers, having made progress
year after year based on the treatment philosophy that we can lead the
medical development in Korea through cutting-edge research.

“We are always there for you.
We are committed to caring for you and your family."

This mission is the driving force and promise that has remained unchanged despite the endless challenges for patients.
Ajou University Hospital has developed into a medical institute representing Korea through endless innovation and change.

Based on the experience of overcoming infectious diseases such as SARS and MERS, our hospital has been designated as a “Safe National Hospital” and a “Severe Emergency Medical Center” during the COVID-19 pandemic to play the role of a primary general hospital for severe patients.

Our hospital has been designated as a primary general hospital for 4 consecutive years in 2020 and has been recognized for the best-quality medical services in Korea by obtaining the highest grade (1-Ga), which only 2% of the top hospitals receive among all national primary·general hospitals, in the medical quality evaluation by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Especially, the Southern Gyeonggi Regional Emergency Medical Center and Regional Trauma Center have the perfect systems to prepare for massive disasters and infectious patients, having ranked first in the national assessments by the Ministry of Health and Welfare by treating emergency patients and severe and major trauma patients nationwide 24 hours a day. Moreover, cancer centers and specialized treatment centers for each organ and clinics have been operated to focus on treating cancer, severe diseases, and intractable diseases, receiving the highest evaluation (Grade 1) in the fields of gastric cancer, liver cancer, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, and acute stroke in qualification from the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service.

Regarding the field of medical services, Ajou University Hospital has been recognized with the highest rating at the National Customer Satisfaction Index (NCSI) survey co-hosted by the Korea Productivity Center and Chosun Ilbo. The evaluation on medical institutions performed by Newsweek, the world-renowned weekly magazine in the United States, has domestically and internationally proven the status of Ajou University Hospital.

Ajou University Hospital will continue to do its best to develop medicine and protect the health of citizens based on the best medical skills in Korea and global reputation.