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  • Urology

    The Urology Department professionally treats diseases occurring in the urinary system including kidneys, ureters, bladder, and prostate as urine is created and emitted in both men and women.

The Urology Department professionally treats diseases occurring in the urinary system including kidneys, ureters, bladder, and prostate as urine is created and emitted in both men and women.

The Urology Department at Ajou University Hospital provides professional and classified treatments with specialists in urinary tumor, urinary stone and male infertility, sexual dysfunction and urination disorder, and pediatric urinary fields.

We are trying our best to maintain the best treatments for urinary system cancers including kidney, ureter, bladder, and prostate in the urinary tumor field, and the best treatment is determined by collaborating with various specialists in the diagnosis and treatment processes.

Surgery success rates have increased while complication occurrence rates have been significantly reduced by performing partial resection of kidney cancer and prostatectomy through robots, and diverse research studies are currently in progress by expanding the scope to maximize the advantages of robotic surgeries in other surgeries. Moreover, after Holmium laser has been adopted, ureteral stone removal utilizing flexible ureteroscopy and HoLEP surgeries maximize the treatment results on urinary stones and benign prostatic diseases.