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Trauma & Acute Care Surgery

  • Trauma & Acute Care Surgery
    Trauma & Acute Care Surgery

    The Trauma & Acute Care Surgery Department is in charge of treating severe or major trauma patients in the Southern Gyeonggi region, making an effort to establish the regional trauma treatment system.

Traumas are defined as damages to the body due to external factors such as traffic accidents, crashes, assault, etc. Severe or major trauma patients refer to patients with damages in major organs or damages in wide body parts accompanied by severe complications such as hemorrhagic shock, multiple organ failure, etc.

Ajou University Hospital has been selected as a target for the regional trauma center project in the Southern Gyeonggi region in 2013 by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and the regional trauma center was officially established in 2016 not only to take charge of treating severe or major trauma patients in the Southern Gyeonggi region but also to train professional personnel for domestic trauma treatment. It is making an effort to establish the regional trauma treatment system. Advanced trauma treatment systems from the US, UK, Japan, etc. have been introduced·applied according to domestic situations to establish a systematic trauma treatment system, enhance the survival rate of severe or major trauma patients, and lead the development of the domestic trauma treatment system.