아주스토리 총 76 건
Wiskott-Aldrich synd.(위스코트 올드리히 증후군) (WAS gene mutation)
▶ 검 사 명 Wiskott-Aldrich synd. (WAS gene mutation) Pattern of Inheritance Gene Location mutation X 염색체 유전 WAS Xp11 scattered 1. 검사명: Mutation analysis of the WAS gene for diagnosis of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome ▶ 검사 원리 X염색체 연관 유전되는 Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome은 Xp11...
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Wiskott-Aldrich synd.(위스코트 올드리히 증후군) (WAS gene mutation)
▶ 검 사 명 Wiskott-Aldrich synd. (WAS gene mutation) Pattern of Inheritance Gene Location mutation X 염색체 유전 WAS Xp11 scattered 1. 검사명: Mutation analysis of the WAS gene for diagnosis of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome ▶ 검사 원리 X염색체 연관 유전되는 Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome은 Xp11...
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Sex-determination Region of Y-chromosome (SRY gene PCR)
▶ 검 사 명 Sex-determination Region of Y-chromosome (SRY gene PCR) Pattern of Inheritance Gene Location Common mutation - Sex-determinatio Region of Y-chromosome (SRY) Yp11.2 chromosome anormalies 1. 검사명: Detection of SRY Gene by PCR ▶ 검사 원리 SRY는 Yp11.2에 위치하는 Y염...
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Sex-determination Region of Y-chromosome (SRY gene PCR)
▶ 검 사 명 Sex-determination Region of Y-chromosome (SRY gene PCR) Pattern of Inheritance Gene Location Common mutation - Sex-determinatio Region of Y-chromosome (SRY) Yp11.2 chromosome anormalies 1. 검사명: Detection of SRY Gene by PCR ▶ 검사 원리 SRY는 Yp11.2에 위치하는 Y염...
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Spinocerebellar ataxia.(척수소뇌성 실조증)(SCA4) (puratrophin-1 gene mutation)
▶ 검 사 명 Spinocerebellar ataxia.(SCA4) (puratrophin-1 gene mutation) Pattern of Inheritance Gene Location Common mutation 상염색체우성 유전 puratrophin-1 16q22.1 CT single-nucleotide substitution (translation initiation codon ATG로부터 16nt upstream) 1. 검사명 : Mutation an...
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Spinocerebellar ataxia.(척수소뇌성 실조증)(SCA4) (puratrophin-1 gene mutation)
▶ 검 사 명 Spinocerebellar ataxia.(SCA4) (puratrophin-1 gene mutation) Pattern of Inheritance Gene Location Common mutation 상염색체우성 유전 puratrophin-1 16q22.1 CT single-nucleotide substitution (translation initiation codon ATG로부터 16nt upstream) 1. 검사명 : Mutation an...
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Spinocerebellar(척수소뇌)SCA 1,2,3,6,7) (CAG repeat)
▶ 검 사 명 Spinocerebellar(SCA 1,2,3,6,7) (CAG repeat) Pattern of Inheritance Gene Location mutation 상염색체우성유전(SCA 1) Ataxin-1 6p22-23 (CAG)6-39 for normal(CAG)41-81 for mutation 상염색체우성유전(SCA 2) Ataxin-2 12q23-24.1 (CAG)14-31for normal(CAG)35-64for mutation 상염색체우...
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Spinocerebellar(척수소뇌)SCA 1,2,3,6,7) (CAG repeat)
▶ 검 사 명 Spinocerebellar(SCA 1,2,3,6,7) (CAG repeat) Pattern of Inheritance Gene Location mutation 상염색체우성유전(SCA 1) Ataxin-1 6p22-23 (CAG)6-39 for normal(CAG)41-81 for mutation 상염색체우성유전(SCA 2) Ataxin-2 12q23-24.1 (CAG)14-31for normal(CAG)35-64for mutation 상염색체우...
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Spinal Muscular Atrophy (척수근육위축)(SMA) (Real-time PCR)
▶ 검 사 명 Spinal Muscular Atrophy(SMA) (Real-time PCR) Pattern of Inheritance Gene Location Common mutation 상염색체 열성유전 Survival Motor Neuron (SMN) 5q11.2-13.3 Deletion of SMN-T 1. 검사명 : Real-time PCR for diagnosing Spinal Muscular Atrophy(SMA) ▶ 검사 원리 Spinoal Mu...
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Spinal Muscular Atrophy (척수근육위축)(SMA) (Real-time PCR)
▶ 검 사 명 Spinal Muscular Atrophy(SMA) (Real-time PCR) Pattern of Inheritance Gene Location Common mutation 상염색체 열성유전 Survival Motor Neuron (SMN) 5q11.2-13.3 Deletion of SMN-T 1. 검사명 : Real-time PCR for diagnosing Spinal Muscular Atrophy(SMA) ▶ 검사 원리 Spinoal Mu...
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