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Integrated Care Center For High-Risk Pregnant Women & Newborn Babies

  • Integrated Care 
Center For High-Risk 
Pregnant Women & 
Newborn Babies
    Integrated Care Center For High-Risk Pregnant Women & Newborn Babies

    The Obstetrics∙Pediatrics Integrated Treatment Model has been established to support the healthy pregnancy and birth of high-risk mothers.

The Integrated Care Center For High-Risk Pregnant Women & Newborn Babies supports not only the start of healthy pregnancy through consultation before pregnancy but also healthy pregnancy and birth by establishing the Obstetrics∙Pediatrics Integrated Treatment Model for high-risk mothers, fetuses, and newborns to provide systematic and professional treatments throughout the entire process from pregnancy to birth.

The Mother·Fetus Intensive Care Unit (MFICU) and operation room exclusively prepared for high-risk mothers and fetus within the delivery room are operated for the provision of professional medical services to high-risk mothers for the intensive care and quick treatment of high-risk mothers who have premature labor, premature rupture of membranes, preeclampsia, and various obstetric diseases.